Australian Admiral Butterfly on White Flower oil painting for sale



Australian Admiral Butterfly with White Flowers Original Oil Painting by Garry Purcell

Australian Admiral Butterfly on White Flower oil painting for sale by Garry Purcell

The Australian Admiral Butterfly on White Flower oil painting by Garry Purcell is a stunning piece of art that captures the beauty of nature. The painting features a close-up view of an Australian Admiral butterfly perched on a delicate white flower. The butterfly is depicted with intricate details, showcasing its vibrant colors and distinctive patterns. The flower is also beautifully rendered, with its soft petals and intricate stamen. The overall effect is one of tranquility and serenity, as if the viewer were observing this beautiful moment in nature firsthand. The painting is rendered in oil on canvas, and is available for sale to art enthusiasts and collectors.

I thought the first flower oil painting below, needed a bit of extra colour to bring it to life, so I added an Australian Admiral Butterfly to it.
White Floral
This was a fairly boring painting before I added the butterfly to give it some interest.
Close Up showing some detail of the White Flower in my oil painting
Close Up showing some detail of the White Flower in my oil painting
I added the Yellow Australian Admiral butterfly to make this a more interesting painting.
Itโ€™s painted in the Old Masters style of grisaille with colour washes to give good depth and transparency in the colours.
Close Up showing some detail of the Australian Admiral Butterfly in my oil painting
Close Up showing some detail of the Australian Admiral Butterfly in my oil painting
I believe that the traditional style of painting I use, brings out the Intense colours in the green leaves, and gives depth to the butterfly and white flowers beautifully.
This oil painting is in the Old Masters style of Grisaille.
Using a toned under-painting, followed by applying many layers of Transparent Colour, which finally gives a glow and depth to the finished painting, that modern techniques cannot recreate.
Price: $440.00 AUD PayPal [wp_paypal button="buynow" name="Australian Admiral Butterfly with White Flowers Original Oil Painting by Garry Purcell" amount="440.00"]


Australian Admiral Butterfly with White Flowers Original Oil Painting for sale by Australian artist Garry Purcell
Australian Admiral Butterfly with White Flowers Original Oil Painting by Australian artist Garry Purcell

Listing Details for the Australian Admiral Butterfly on White Flower oil painting for sale

Price: 440.00 AUD
Artwork Name: Australian Admiral Butterfly on White Flower
Artist:ย Garry Purcell
Medium Used:ย Artist Grade Paint
Support Type:ย Gallery Wrapped Stretched Canvas (Staples are on the back of the frame.)
Support Dimensions: 50.8 x 71.1cm (20 x 28inch)

Short story of an Australian Admiral Butterfly on White Flower

The Australian Admiral Butterfly is a beautiful and vibrant species found in Australia. It is known for its striking orange and black wings with white spots, making it a popular sight in gardens and parks. One day, a group of tourists spotted an Australian Admiral Butterfly resting on a white flower. The butterfly sat still, allowing the visitors to admire its stunning colors and intricate patterns. As they watched, the butterfly suddenly took flight, gracefully fluttering away into the distance. Its brief appearance left a lasting impression on the tourists, reminding them of the beauty and fragility of nature. The story of the Australian Admiral Butterfly on the white flower is a testament to the wonder and awe that can be found in the natural world.

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